A Note from Our Founder

A Message from our Founder,  V

Hi Beautiful People,

First, I’d like to thank you for stopping by and supporting our small business 🫶🏾!

We hope that you leave with more than what you came with.  What do I mean by that?  I mean that I hope we were able to fill your cup in some way.  Maybe it was a smile while browsing through some of our collection topics, or maybe it was a memory when something resonated with you.  Ultimately, we hope our brand gave what it was “supposed to have gave” for YOU today.  Right here, right where you are.  

You see, that’s the magic.  That’s why we’re here.  With so many things going on in the world today, I felt we didn’t have enough outlets or places of community to gather, build each other up, and conquer the world.  If we take it day by day, and stand firm in our power, we can literally do anything.  It might take some elbow grease, patience, and discipline.  But I promise, it all works out in the end.  This brand took 2 years to build and I’m so glad we’re here - we’re still just getting started.

Here at 13th and Bloom, we breathe self-care and protecting our personal mental health at all costs.  This goes against some norms of toast that encourage putting others first so we’re here to change the narrative when it comes to choosing yourself in this unpredictable world.  Our brand was founded on faith, hope, and belief that everything will work out because that’s His plan. Recognizing that you need to pause and take care of yourself while on your way is so important and we’re here to help you enjoy the journey.

Okay so PIVOTTTT (anyone who watched FRIENDS like I did religiously should know the voice I used to say PIVOT like Ross did when they were stuck on the stairs with the couch).  ANYWHO, BACK TO THE FUN.



So we did our research and tested multiple sustainable shipping options to find the right products for us - we use all sustainable, eco-friendly, compostable products from brands like eco-enclose and noissue.  What this means for us is that we spent a little more money on packaging because the quality of our shipping and products is so important to us.  Quality processes, product, and sustainable packaging materials - that’s our thing.


In my adult life, I firmly believe in Tithing and giving more than what’s expected of me to support those around me that I can reach.  That doesn’t always look like monetary support, it could be physical labor, or acts of love.  Whatever the community needs.  Since this value is so important to me, it was important to carry that into our brand as we firmly believe that when God increases your territory, he increases your responsibility and your CAPABILITY to bless others - the increase isn’t just for me, it’s for my community.  So with the blessings, we look forward to confirming the scholarship program that we’ve started to build in an effort to support families in the inner cities of New Jersey with high school and college student education costs as well as leisure (because we’re bringers of joy).

I love to sit on a beach in Aguada Puerto Rico and listen to the sounds of the waves or swim in the calm ocean.  Bey 🐝 said it best, I love being surrounded by water - It makes me feel so small and calm.

Enough about us, go run and tell us your story!

Cheers to you babe, we’re so glad you came 🫶🏾
